Actual patient of Dr. Devgan, before and after breast cancer reconstruction.
1 in 8 American women will get breast cancer, but not many of us truly appreciate what breast cancer means in the flesh. If you require a mastectomy (surgery to remove your breasts), you are not only left with a large soft tissue deficiency, but you are also left without an aspect of femaleness-- the breasts-- that can impact your perception of your own femininity.
I performed an implant-based breast reconstruction on both of these actual patients of mine under very different, but very challenging technical circumstances. Both women were extremely happy to feel whole again after having her body torn apart by cancer.
The vast majority of my practice deals with cosmetic surgery, but reconstructive surgery has a special place in my heart. These surgeries are gratifying, and this work is important. Moreover, doing these surgeries make me a better, more capable, more dexterous, more agile surgeon.
Performing a beautiful cosmetic breast augmentation (breast implant surgery) is second nature to me after spending so much time taking care of involved reconstruction cases like this one.
Talk to your doctor about what type of breast cancer screening is right for you, and try to catch this disease in its early, treatable stages. For questions, please direct inquiries to my office at 212-452-2400 or