Actual patient of Dr. Devgan, before and after breast augmentation, with a rapid recovery technique and minimal downtime
Actual patient of Dr. Devgan, before and after breast augmentation, with a rapid recovery technique and minimal downtime
Actual patient of Dr. Devgan, before and after breast augmentation, with a rapid recovery technique and minimal downtime
Actual patient of Dr. Devgan, before and after breast augmentation, with a rapid recovery technique and minimal downtime
Actual patient of Dr. Devgan, before and after breast augmentation, with a rapid recovery technique and minimal downtime
Recently there has been a marketing blitz advertising "Flash Recovery" or "Rapid Recovery" breast augmentation. Interestingly, when I see these terms on other surgeons' websites, I often see "TM" or "R" symbols immediately following them, indicating that these excellent yet not uncommon surgical procedures are trademarked or registered.
What is Flash Recovery Breast Augmentation?
"Flash Recovery" and "Rapid Recovery" breast augmentation are two flashy terms that reference modern, gold-standard surgical practice in breast implant surgery. They refer to the technique of breast augmentation popularized by Dr. John Tebbets, a Texas-based plastic surgeon and pioneer in the field.
Dr. Tebbets' system has a number of components, including:
- precise analysis of an individual's measurements and tissue type
- careful handling of breast tissue while in the operating room
- bloodless technique
- minimal touching of the implants
- early motion of the arms and upper body
- minimal use of pain medication
- typically, placement of the breast implants under the muscle (in the "dual plane")
Most board-certified plastic surgeons trained in the modern era of plastic surgery will use a variation on the Tebbets technique for performing your surgery.
My unique modifications of the Tebbets technique include all of the above, plus:
- use of a long-acting intercostal nerve block that numbs pain for up to 3 days after surgery
- use of ice compresses after surgery to minimize swelling
- use of a triple antibiotic irrigation prior to placing a breast implant
- changing gloves and re-sterilizing the body prior to placing a breast implant
- covering the nipple areolar complexes when possible to reduce the risk of infection from these sites
What can you expect from your breast augmentation journey?
In my New York City private practice, there are a few things that you can expect:
- Your surgery will take under an hour, typically about 30-60 minutes
- You will feel comfortable after surgery because of your nerve block and gentle tissue handling. Many patients take a very small amount of pain medicine, and some take none. It is normal to feel muscle soreness.
- You will be able to raise your hands above your head after surgery
- All of your stitches will be fully dissolvable
- You will not have any drains
- You will be able to shower the day after surgery
- You will not have special restrictive corsets or bands
Now what?
If you are thinking about breast augmentation, it is more important to check the qualifications and attributes of your plastic surgeon than it is to be swayed by seductive marketing terms like "flash recovery" and breast augmentation. Seek a surgeon who is not afraid to be honest with you about standards of practice surgery practice, and who is dedicated to giving you the best experience possible.
Contact my office at or call 212-452-2500