Making an Industry-Level Change
For the longest time, plastic surgery was the subject of tabloid fodder. However, in recent years, the hush-hush tones have been replaced with open and honest discussions and portrayals of plastic surgery pros and cons and what they can realistically achieve.
One of the biggest proponents of change is the voice of Dr Lara Devgan, a board-certified plastic surgeon who has been wielding the influence of almost one million followers on Instagram to shatter the stigma around plastic surgery.
A Societal Shift
“In the past, there was a greater emphasis on secrecy surrounding cosmetic procedures as there was often a negative connotation associated with altering one's appearance,” concedes Dr Devgan.
However, in recent years, she has observed a shift in societal attitudes towards plastic surgery.
“It's important to continue fostering open conversations, spreading accurate information and promoting the understanding that plastic surgery is not a taboo subject,” she adds.
The Misconceptions
Among the major misconceptions plaguing the world of plastic surgery is that it is a shallow field solely driven by vanity. Dr Devgan is quick to denounce the notion, adding that aesthetic enhancements might be a significant part of what they do but that plastic surgery encompasses a wide range of procedures that go beyond mere vanity.
“ goal is to enhance a person's unique features while maintaining their natural beauty and identity to avoid that ‘overdone’ look with a combination of surgical as well as nonsurgical procedures.”
No Magic Here!
Dr. Devgan is also hoping to change the notion that plastic surgery is a quick fix or an easy solution. “It is important to remember that plastic surgery is not a magic wand or a shortcut to instant perfection. It is a transformative process that involves both physical and emotional aspects—the psychological adjustment is often just as important as the physical healing process.
It is a partnership between the patient and the surgeon, requiring realistic expectations, active participation and dedication to the recovery process,” she informs.