Plastic Surgery in the Quarantine Era

New Zealand based news and media organization, Independent Online (IOL), recently featured insights from Dr. Lara Devgan in one of its articles. Why the Covid-19 pandemic caused a boom in plastic surgery by Mark Ellwood discusses the impact of Covid-19 on the plastic surgery industry. In an age of Zoom and FaceTimes, individuals have begun to see themselves in a different light. "There's something inherently unflattering about a 30-degree, angled-upward, forward-facing camera on a laptop," Devgan explains. 

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Quite literally, everyone has been forced to look in the mirror and address their physical dissatisfactions. This new time of looking at ourselves under a microscope has single-handedly made plastic surgery boom. Dr. Devgan recalls, "I had one patient, who was previously just happy with Botox and fillers, proceed with a face and neck lift as a result of being on endless streams of Zoom calls. She saw jowls and neck folds she'd never appreciated before quarantine."

As people have been stuck inside their homes for months at a time, they have stopped working out and have started saving their money. This is where the doctors come in. With funds to spend and work to be done, cosmetic professionals have seen a surge in bookings for appointments. Dr. Devgan herself, “has increased her surgical dates by a third and is now booking procedures for the holiday season.”