Men’s Health magazine calls on Dr. Devgan as a medical expert to share with readers how to care for your skin after getting a tattoo and how to know when it is infected. Dr. Devgan is a board-certified plastic surgeon and skincare expert, so her knowledge is distinguished. While tattoos are not a treatment Dr. Devgan offers in her New York City practice, they idea behind them and the aftercare is similar to that of cosmetic surgery.
Similar to any surgery Dr. Devgan performs, treating open wounds after getting a tattoo is crucial for healthy healing. Dr. Devgan describes tattoos as “controlled injuries to the skin, so they represent a break in the skin that must be treated like an open wound.” If not treated properly, “you can risk an undesirable aesthetic appearance of the tattooed area or a disseminated soft tissue infection.” Like post-surgery care, after getting a tattoo, Dr. Devgan recommends “avoiding strenuous activities, profuse sweating, and contact with contaminated environmental exposures such as sand, oceans, and debris.” It is important to keep the skin area clean and moist. One sign of infection Dr. Devgan point’s out is redness and warmth. “If you experience spreading pink discoloration or the feeling of pulsatile heat radiating from around your tattoo, you may have an infection,” explains Dr. Devgan. If you are experiencing any infection-like symptoms, Dr. Devgan highly recommends seeing a doctor as soon as possible.
While Dr. Devgan does not design tattoos on skin, her post-surgery care is quite similar to that of post-tattoo care. After getting surgery, Dr. Devgan instructs all of her patients to relax and take it easy, and to refrain from any activity that induces sweat. If you are interested in learning more about any of Dr. Devgan’s surgical procedures, feel free to email or call 212-452-2400. To read the full article, click here.