Why More 40-Somethings Than Ever Want Facelifts

Did you know that almost one-third of my facelift procedures have been for patients under the age of 50? Years ago facelifts seemed to be reserved for patients passed their prime in an attempt to turn back the clock. Rather than backpedaling the effects of aging, more and more people are taking preventative measures, seeking out these procedures earlier. Results can even have a greater impact since facial muscles and skin-elasticity are stronger at 40.

What’s more, modern innovation allows for faster procedure times, quicker recovery, and minimal scarring, buying patients nearly twice as much time as, say, taking nonsurgical routes to anti-aging. Read full article here.

Actual patient of Dr. Devgan, ethnicity: Middle Eastern. Before & 2 months after facelift

Actual patient of Dr. Devgan, ethnicity: Middle Eastern. Before & 2 months after facelift