The Zoe Report highlights Dr. Devgan in their latest segment, "Trust Me, I Tried It"

Dr. Devgan was featured on The Zoe Report as part of the segment “Trust Me, I Tried It,” where Site Director Lauren Caruso came in to try facial micro-optimization. For those who do not know, The Zoe Report is the fastest-growing publisher in modern media which focuses on uncovering stories and issues through the lens of authenticity, inclusivity, and conversation. Upon her curiosity of injectables, Caruso made a visit to Dr. Devgan’s office to see first-hand what it is like getting injections.


As one can see from Lauren’s visit, she runs through her entire consultation appointment with Dr. Devgan from the numbing to the icing. After the face is numb, Dr. Devgan analyzed with Lauren where she wanted to get work done and then proceeds to mark the face precisely before injecting. After figuring this out, Dr. Devgan begins to inject the face in order to achieve facial optimization. Upon completion, Dr. Devgan discusses the post-treatment instructions: no alcohol or working out on the same day and ice to reduce bruising and swelling the first 2 days following.


Dr. Devgan is a board-certified plastic surgeon and is extensively educated and trained on the anatomy of the face. She makes it a point to explain the importance of knowing and understanding facial anatomy before giving any type of injections.

Overall, less is more when it comes to injections and what is important is finding a doctor who realizes that even subtle changes can help transform one’s face. If you are interested in seeking a consultation similar to Lauren’s, feel free to call or email 212-452-2400 and
