All About Correctional Fillers

In general, fillers are traditionally thought of as a way to fill in wrinkles and create volume in order to look younger without any surgical procedures or other invasive options. Although this is the more popular use for fillers, many individuals use fillers for correctional reasons.

In Dr. Devgan’s practice, many patients come in seeking a non-invasive way to correct the shape and appearance of wrinkled areas due to scars or simply nonsymmetrical areas that can be corrected with a filler.

Many patients come in for naval corrections of the belly button. This is usually because of belly-button piercing scars that have not healed correctly, or scars that have been stretched out due to pregnancy. To correct any distortion of the belly button or scarring that occurs over time, Dr. Devgan uses a filler procedure to create volume for alignment and symmetry where the scarring is distorted. For these types of procedures, Dr. Devgan uses a long-active hyaluronic acid based injectable to correct the appearance of the umbilicus, give it an improved shape, and reduce the appearance of wrinkled skin in the area.

Belly button correction with the use of fillers

Belly button correction with the use of fillers

In other cases, fillers can be used in a multitude of ways. For example, fillers can be used to correct asymmetry in the lips, correction of dark circles and hollow under eyes, otherwise known as a tear trough augmentation. A non-surgical rhinoplasty is another surgical procedure that is known to correct anatomic feature of the nose area. There is a range of correctional ability with nose fillers, such as correcting a droopy bulbous nasal tip, straightening the nose bridge, giving a refined nose tip, filling a dorsal hump, and refining a rounded nasal tip. Non-surgical rhinoplasties are a great option for those who want to see a change in their appearance with minimal downtime without any invasive procedures, such as a surgical rhinoplasty. A non-surgical rhinoplasty is also preferred by patients who would like to undergo a surgical rhinoplasty but would like to see an example of the results before undergoing the actual surgical process.

Dorsal hump and tip refinement using fillers

Dorsal hump and tip refinement using fillers

Dorsal hump and cleffed tip correction

Dorsal hump and cleffed tip correction

Overall, fillers are a great way to get a rapid correction in many areas of the body without the invasiveness of any surgical procedure.

To see Dr. Devgan in as a patient in her New York City private practice, please contact the office at (212)-452-2400 or email

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