Dr. Devgan is Featured on Betches

This week, Dr. Devgan was featured in Betches, an online forum created by three women that has taken off ever since its beginning in 2011.

Dr. Devgan is features on the Betches Instagram story

Dr. Devgan is features on the Betches Instagram story

In this feature, Dr. Devgan was asked to give her best advice on how to avoid plastic surgery. Although surgery is Dr. Devgan's main passion, she firmly believes that taking preventative measures is always the best decision in order to look glowing and youthful. 

Dr. Devgan giving her 5 best tips in Betches video

Dr. Devgan giving her 5 best tips in Betches video

In the video, Dr. Devgan gives 5 critical tips to keep skin healthy and protected. To see the video and the accompanying article, please click the picture below. 

Click here to see Dr. Devgan's tips

Click here to see Dr. Devgan's tips