Beauty and The Botox

Prevention is better than intervention. 

Dr. Devgan utilizes this tactic with many of her patients and certainly recommends to always use preemptive measures. Kylee Campbell, the LA and NYC based actress, model, and Catch Me Dancing blogger, was interested in Botox for prevention measures during her recent visit to the office.

Dr. Devgan Botox patient

Dr. Devgan Botox patient

Botox, a drug developed from botulinum toxin (a bacterial byproduct), has been FDA approved since 1989. Since then, it has been utilized for a myriad of ailments (including gummy smile, eyebrow arch displacement, downturned mouth, etc.). Botox is most commonly discussed for its use in aesthetic-based medicine as it is known for the ability to decrease signs of aging, such as wrinkles, and, lately, is more commonly being employed as a preventative measure for younger men and women. 

Dr. Devgan performing microdroplet technique on Kylee Campbell

Dr. Devgan performing microdroplet technique on Kylee Campbell

Although many know Botox from the dreaded “freeze face”, which is an issue of placement and/or amount by the injector, the product can help those who are younger avoid deep lines and wrinkles from prolonged squinting, furrowing of the face, or aging. Dr. Devgan uses her micro-droplet technique, coined “Baby Botox”, for the youthful. The micro-droplet technique combined with a vibration beauty bar allows for a considerable comfort and precise placement of the product.

In order to get optimal results, Dr. Devgan, before even touching the syringe, has a casual conversation while also analyzing facial expression and feature patterns. Alongside her facial anatomy expertise, these moments allow her to evaluate where the best placement of Botox will be and at approximately what amount. Lastly, Dr. Devgan marks areas of concern with white pen to ensure the proper treatment.

Etched wrinkles in common areas of concern 

Etched wrinkles in common areas of concern 

In Kylee’s situation, she started to see results in the typical 4-7 day range. Her results will most likely last 3-4 months. Although Kylee is absolutely beautiful, she knows it is best to start washing away wrinkles now rather than trying to fix furrows later.

To hear about Kylee Campbell's experience, watch the video above! If you are interested in seeing Dr. Devgan for as a patient for preventative measures please call 212.452.2400 or email