The skin around the eyes is the thinnest and most delicate on the body. For this reason, it is the place where many people are likely to show signs of aging and fatigue. Even in young patients, as in this twentysomething patient of mine pictured above, dark circles can contribute significantly to a tired appearance of the face.
One quick and easy intervention to treat dark circles and hollowing around the eyes is Injectable Tear Trough Filler. In a 10 minute procedure with minimal discomfort and no downtime, the under-eye area can be rejuvenated for 1-2 years. This is an excellent option for you if you would like a cosmetic correction without undergoing surgery (like blepharoplasty/ eye lift, or fat grafting).
Tear trough filler is an expert injector technique that can cause skin necrosis, tissue damage, and permanent blindness if done improperly. I advise my patients to find a board-certified plastic surgeon and expert in periorbital anatomy with extensive experience in this nuanced procedure. To see more examples of my work, look at the "Eyes" section under the Before & After tab.
For inquiries, please call my office at 212-452-2400.