Actual patient of Dr. Devgan, before and after tear trough injection
Actual patient of Dr. Devgan, before and after tear trough injection
Injectable tear trough filler is an expert technique for improving dark circles and puffy bags under the eyes. I have a special interest in procedures that address the face and eyes, and this procedure is one of my favorite quick fixes.
While blepharoplasty (eyelift surgery) is the gold standard for tired under-eyes, injection of hyaluronic acid based filler (such as Restylane, Juvederm, and Belotero) is a non-surgical alternative.
"Tear trough filler," as the procedure is called," takes 5-15 minutes, involves no incisions, anesthesia, or surgery, and lasts for 1-2 years. It makes a dramatic improvement in dark circles, puffy under-eye bags, and overall tiredness of the eyes.
This is an expert technique, though, so I caution patients to think carefully before choosing a provider. There is a risk of permanent blindness and disfigurement if tear trough filler is done inappropriately.
If you are considering tear trough filler in my New York City private practice, please call 212-452-2400 or email for more information.