One of the key features of a natural and attractive abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) is an attractive belly button.
From a plastic surgical standpoint, an attractive belly button has a few important characteristics:
- small in size
- positioned in the midline of the abdomen
- positioned at the level of the hipbones
- shadowing or superior hooding
- ovoid in shape
- scar hidden in the interior of the umbilicus
- appropriate for your body habitus
For every tummy tuck patient I take care of, I make a special effort to pay attention to the details of the operation, including the small things like umbilicus placement and aesthetics. If you are thinking about a tummy tuck, I advise you to get as close to your goal weight as possible in advance of surgery, in order to have the most beautiful possible surgical results.
For questions, please email or call 212-452-2400.