A well-proportioned chin subtly augments facial balance and brings the proportions into a more pleasing, attractive configuration.
Chin augmentation can be performed with injectable fillers, insertion of a chin implant (implant mentoplasty), or moving the bone of the chin forward (osseous genioplasty). In my New York City practice, chin implants and injectable chin augmentation are the more popular of these procedures because they involve less operative time and a faster recovery.
Chin augmentation with injectable filler (typically Voluma) lasts 1-2 years and takes about 5 minutes. There is no downtime, and results can be specifically tailored to your anatomic concerns.
Chin implants can be done under local anesthesia only or with IV sedation (twilight anesthesia). The procedure takes 30 to 60 minutes and can be easily combined with rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery, facelift, necklift, buccal fat pad excision, or other facial surgery. Results are permanent, natural, and durable.
If you are thinking about chin augmentation, rhinoplasty, or both, please feel free to call my office at 212-452-2400 or email office@LaraDevganMD.com for more information.
Actual patient of Dr. Devgan, before and after chin augmentation