People rarely think about their chins, but chin projection and proportion are very important in facial aesthetics. Having a chin that is in harmony with your bone structure, jawline, nose, and face shape can mean the difference between having an attractive face and an ordinary one.
Chin augmentation is a general term that describes a range of procedures that includes injectable chin filler, chin implant, and osseous genioplasty. The images in this post are some examples of my actual patients who have undergone these different techniques.
Chin Filler
Injectable chin filler (typically with Juvederm, Voluma, Restylane, or Radiesse) is a minimally invasive, non-surgical procedure that takes about 5 minutes. Under sterile conditions, an FDA-approved product is injected into your menton (chin prominence). Results last 1-2 years, and chin projection and contour can be made very attractive.
Chin Implant
A chin implant is a soft solid silicone or Medpor device that is surgically placed via a tiny incision hidden under your chin crease or inside your mouth. It is typically done with light sedation ("twilight"), although it can be done under local anesthesia with a nerve block. Results are permanent and very attractive. In my opinion, this is the gold standard best technique for chin augmentation.
Osseous Genioplasty
Osseous genioplasty is a surgical technique for repositioning the bony prominence of the chin and holding it place with tiny titanium plates and screws. The incision is hidden inside the mouth, and results are permanent, although the recovery and healing process can be quite involved due to the pain of bony surgery.
Next Steps
If you think you may be interested in chin augmentation (with our without rhinoplasty/ nose job surgery, which frequently goes with it), please contact my office at 212-452-2400 or
Chin augmentation with injectable filler. Actual patient of Dr. Devgan
Chin augmentation with chin implant. Adjunctive procedures: submental liposuction, rhinoplasty. Actual patient of Dr. Devgan
Chin augmentation with chin implant. Adjunctive procedures: necklift, submental liposuction. Actual patient of Dr. Devgan
Chin augmentation with osseus genioplasty. Adjunctive procedures: necklift, blepharoplasty, fat grafting. Actual patient of Dr. Devgan