Many of my patients feel that as they get older, their eyes appear smaller, more tired, and more wrinkled. For both both genders and all ages, the goal of eyelift surgery is to give you natural results that make you look younger, fresher, and more alert, without obvious signs of surgery.
This is a sampling of real, achievable results from blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery, or eyelift) amongst my actual patients. Although of course everyone is different, and surgical techniques and patient anatomy vary, here are some things that I focus on trying to achieve for each blepharoplasty patient:
- hidden incisions
- camouflaged scar lines that are nearly imperceptible
- enlargement of the appearance of the eyes
- a less tired first impression
- a more youthful first impression
- preservation of normal eye function and anatomy
- respect of the periorbital tissues and anatomic landmarks around the eyes
- the highest degree of patient satisfaction
If you are considering eyelift surgery, I advise you to seek a board-certified plastic surgeon with expertise in treating this delicate and complex anatomic area. The eyes truly are the windows to the soul, and a beautiful eyelift surgery can improve your outlook through those windows.
To book an appointment to see me regarding blepharoplasty or periorbital rejuvenation, please call my New York City office at 212-452-2400.
Actual patient of Dr. Devgan, before and after eyelift surgery
Actual patient of Dr. Devgan, before and after eyelift surgery
Actual patient of Dr. Devgan, before and after eyelift surgery