The orbit is the term used to describe the bony eye socket-- the set of bones that form the structure around your eyeball. The orbit is frequently injured in traumatic situations-- such as a tennis ball hitting the eye, a punch during a physical altercation, a car accident, or anytime a hard object strikes the face.
The orbit is a special anatomic area because it is extremely important in keeping the facial proportions and structures in place. If you break bones of your orbit (get an orbital fracture), failing to treat it properly can cause permanent disfigurement.
An orbital floor titanium plate. Actual patient of Dr. Devgan.
The best ways to evaluate for an orbital fracture are being examined by a qualified plastic surgeon, and getting a CT scan (or CAT scan). If you have been struck in the face and have pain, swelling, or discomfort around your eye, I suggest you seek immediate medical treatment in the Emergency Room.
An orbital floor fracture with titanium plate in place. Actual patient of Dr. Devgan.
If you have questions or concerns about an orbital fracture, including an orbital floor fracture, orbital roof fracture, or orbital rim fracture, please call us at (212) 452-2400 or email