Practice Information

  • What is Dr. Devgan’s expertise?

    Dr. Devgan is a world-renowned board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon. She is also an expert in injectables for the face, breasts, and body. She is best known for her meticulous attention to detail, her concept of global facial optimization, and her precision body work. Harnessing her background as a classically trained artist and her training as a surgeon scientist, Dr. Devgan strives to bring a bespoke and customized experience to each patient in her practice.

  • How long has Dr. Devgan been in practice?

    Dr. Devgan has been in practice since 2007, and has had her own practice since 2013. During this time she has performed her signature procedures thousands of times on all ages, ethnicities, and skin types.

  • How much time should I allot for an appointment?

    Please allot 1 to 2 hours for your appointment with Dr. Devgan.


  • What is facial optimization?

    Facial optimization is a principle developed by Dr. Devgan in which she makes many tiny, millimeter-level optimizations all over the face. This will allow you to maintain your facial identity while looking like an improved version of yourself!

  • What can filler be used for?

    Some of Dr. Devgan’s favorite procedures include fillers! Cheekbone and jawline fillers can be used to create a sculpted look of the face, lift the jowl or the midface, and create more of a “modelesque” cheekbone. Tear trough augmentation uses injectable filler to soften the under eye hollow, which improves the appearance of dark circles and tiredness under the eyes. The procedure Dr. Devgan is perhaps most well known for the non-surgical rhinoplasty, which mimics surgical results using filler.

  • How long does filler last?

    How long does filler last?

    Filler is metabolised at different rates by different people, and it also tends to last longer in those areas of the face that have less movement. In general we recommend maintaining filler in the lips about every 6 months, maintaining filler in the nose once every year, and all other areas every 6 to 8 months.

  • What are fillers made out of?

    Injectable fillers are derivatives of hyaluronic acids, which is a complex sugar molecule and a major component of the body’s own collagen. All of our fillers are FDA approved. We do not use permanent fillers.

  • What is a neuromodulator?

    Neuromodulators (more commonly known by their brand names of Botox, Xeomin, Dysport, and Jeuveau) interrupt the signal between nerve and muscle, causing the muscles to contract less, smoothing the wrinkles in the relevant area.

  • When will I see results from my neuromodulator treatment?

    You will not see immediate improvement in fine lines and wrinkles. Results can be seen in 4 to 8 days.

  • How long do neuromodulators last?

    The amount of time your neuromodulator lasts depends on your metabolic rate and how much you exercise the treated muscles. The majority of patients maintain neuromodulator treatments every 3 to 4 months.

  • What can neuromodulators be used for?

    While neuromodulators can be used to smooth wrinkles, they can also be used for much more! For example, they can be used to create an eyebrow arch, carry out a “lip flip,” correct gummy smile, slim the lower face, and reduce grinding/clenching and TMJ dysfunction. They can even be used in the neck (for a “Nefertiti Neck Lift”), in the trapezius muscles, in the calves, and more.

  • What is deoxycholic acid?

    Deoxycholic acid is a naturally-occurring dietary enzyme that can be injected to permanently dissolve fat anywhere on the body, though the most commonly-injected areas are under the chin and the abdomen. Patients typically need between 1 and 6 treatments spaced over 4 to 6 weeks.

  • What is Poly-L Lactic Acid?

    Poly-L Lactic Acid is often known as Sculptra, and is most commonly used in the buttock area to increase volume by stimulating collagen. This treatment can require multiple sessions.

  • Is there any downtime associated with injectables?

    There is no meaningful downtime from an injectable treatment, however it is common to experience swelling, bumps, or bruising within the first two weeks of receiving treatment. We also recommend that patients refrain from exercising for the rest of the day after coming in for an injection.

  • How long does it take to see results from a filler injection?

    You will begin to see results right away, however filler takes 2-3 weeks to fully rehydrate. During this time it is normal to experience a lump or bump that will settle on its own.

  • What are the aftercare instructions for an injectable treatment?

    Avoid exercise for the rest of the day. Avoid alcohol and blood thinners for 1 to 2 days, as well as salt, saunas, steam rooms, and sleeping on your face. Ice can be used as needed for comfort and/or swelling.

  • How much do injectables cost?

    Please contact our office at (212) 452-2400 for more information on pricing.

  • Does Dr. Devgan offer training courses for injectable procedures?

    Dr. Devgan currently offers webinars which can be viewed and studied at your own pace. You can find her webinars here.

Laser Treatments

  • What Laser treatments are offered in the office?

    We offer IPL and Erbium treatments.

  • What is IPL?

    IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light and is also known as “broad band light”. It is a non-ablative procedure with minimal downtime. This is an ideal treatment for skin discoloration, dark spots, fine lines, rosacea, and acne.

  • What is Erbium Laser?

    Erbium is an ablative laser treatment. It is a more aggressive treatment with 7 days of “downtime” in which you may experience some redness, peeling, and irritation. Erbium is ideal for fine lines, pigmentation issues, overall skin quality/texture, acne scarring, mild tightening, and more.

  • How does Erbium laser compare to CO2 Fraxel Laser?

    Erbium is a newer technology compared to the CO2 Fraxel. These lasers are similar, however Erbium has a shorter downtime of photosensitivity than Fraxel, and is a bit gentler on the skin in the long term.

  • How long will my laser treatment last?

    Your results will last as long as you take careful care of your skin!


  • What can I expect during a surgical consultation?

    When you come in for a surgical consultation, you will meet with our surgical coordinator who will guide you through what to expect during each part of your surgical journey, and will help give you an idea of what procedures may be most effective in your unique case. Dr. Devgan will then assess your features and offer her personal recommendations. She will create a bespoke surgical plan for you and send you home with all the necessary details required to set you up for a successful surgery day. You will have time to ask any and all of your questions, and gain a thorough understanding of the procedures and Dr. Devgan’s techniques. After your consultation, our surgical coordinator will be on call to assist with any additional questions you may have, and to guide you every step of the way.

  • What are Dr. Devgan’s signature procedures?

    Dr. Devgan specializes in many procedures of the face and body including but not limited to: eyelid surgery, face, brow and neck lift, rhinoplasty, buccal fat pad excision, breast augmentation, reduction, and lift, liposuction, and abdominoplasty.

  • How much will surgery cost?

    Pricing for surgical procedures depends on your unique anatomic characteristics as well as the complexity of the surgical techniques required to give you your desired results. For this reason, we ask patients to come in for an in-person consultation, or set up a phone consultation, prior to receiving a formal price quote.

  • How long does it take to recover from surgery?

    This depends on the procedure, however we most often advise taking a 2-week social downtime to allow bruising and swelling to subside. More specific instructions will be provided to you by our nurse and the surgical coordinator.

  • What are my post-op care instructions after surgery?

    Your instructions will be emailed to you ahead of surgery, and given to you as an additional hard copy on the day of surgery. You can also find your instructions here [include link to post op care page]

  • Where will surgery take place?

    We have a nationally-accredited operating room in our facilities at 807 Park Avenue!

  • Does Dr. Devgan offer hair transplantation?

    Yes! Dr. Devgan works with a specialist who can perform your hair transplantation or eyebrow transplantation.


  • Where can I find information on Dr. Devgan’s skincare line?

    Dr. Devgan’s Scientific Beauty products and information can be found here.