Beautiful, Natural Results.

Actual patient of Dr. Devgan, before & 2 months after facelift

Actual patient of Dr. Devgan, before & 2 months after facelift

Facelift in New York City

What is a facelift?

A facelift is a surgical technique that restores beautiful bone structure to the aging jaw, cheeks, and neck. Dr. Devgan focuses on resuspending the muscular substructure of the face and neck (the SMAS and platysma) to achieve lasting, natural results. A good facelift leaves you looking like a younger, more natural, more subtly improved version of yourself-- NOT a tightly-pulled, "windblown," different person. If you are seeking the type of cartoonish, exaggerated, mask-like facelift that was popular in the 1980s and 1990s, Dr. Devgan is not the surgeon for you. Her focus is on subtle, natural, elegant, and refined results-- a look that whispers, not a look that screams.

Facelift surgery is one of the top five most commonly performed plastic surgical procedures in America, with many people seeking to rejuvenate the appearance of their middle and lower face, as well as their neck.

Actual patient of Dr. Devgan, before & 2 months after facelift

Actual patient of Dr. Devgan, before & 2 months after facelift

Is a facelift/ necklift appropriate for men?

Both men and women can achieve significant improvements from a facelift/ necklift procedure. An appropriately customized procedure can make a woman appear more feminine and refined, or make a man appear more masculine with a stronger jawline. It is a misconception that a facelift feminizes the male face.

Actual patient of Dr. Devgan. Before & 4 months after necklift and upper & lower eyelift

Actual patient of Dr. Devgan. Before & 4 months after necklift and upper & lower eyelift

Actual patient of Dr. Devgan. Before & 4 months after necklift and upper & lower eyelift

Actual patient of Dr. Devgan. Before & 4 months after necklift and upper & lower eyelift

Will a facelift improve my neck and jaw?

Improvement of the lower third of the face, particularly the neck and jawline, is a major goal of a facelift. In fact, many surgeons use the terms "facelift" and "necklift" almost interchangeably since the surgical incisions and maneuvers are similar. For patients with severe neck bands and loose skin, additional techniques, such as platysmal plication, submental liposuction, and lateral platysmal lifting, can be used to augment these areas.

best facelift NYC
best facelift NYC
best facelift NYC
best facelift NYC


The modern era of plastic surgery allows scars to be hidden extremely well, so that they are nearly imperceptible, even from a distance of 1-2 inches. Dr. Devgan hides her incisions in the crease in front of the ear or tragus. She takes care to prevent distortion of the hairline and sideburns, pulling of the ear, and hair loss to ensure a beautiful result.

Actual patient of Dr. Devgan. Before and 2 months after facelift

Actual patient of Dr. Devgan. Before and 2 months after facelift

Actual patient of Dr. Devgan. Before and 4 months after necklift

Actual patient of Dr. Devgan. Before and 4 months after necklift

Is a facelift appropriate for patients of color?

A facelift can be a gratifying procedure in patients of all demographic backgrounds. For those with pigmented skin, special care is taken to minimize scarring. In addition, Dr. Devgan customizes all of her procedures to a patient's unique traits. These includes skin tone, amount of subcutaneous fat, hairline, density of hair follicles, and individual preference.

Actual patient of Dr. Devgan, ethnicity: Middle Eastern. Before & 2 months after facelift

Actual patient of Dr. Devgan, ethnicity: Middle Eastern. Before & 2 months after facelift

Actual patient of Dr. Devgan, ethnicity: Asian. Before and 1.5 months after short-scar facelift

Actual patient of Dr. Devgan, ethnicity: Asian. Before and 1.5 months after short-scar facelift

What if I have already had a facelift in the past?

Aging does continue to occur after a facelift, and after about a decade, some signs of skin laxity and an unaesthetic profile can begin to reappear. For people in this category, a secondary facelift is a wonderful option to restore a youthful face and neck. Dr. Devgan plans her incisions so that no additional scars are created on the skin.

Actual patient of Dr. Devgan. Before and 4 months after facelift

Actual patient of Dr. Devgan. Before and 4 months after facelift

Can a facelift be combined with other procedures?

Absolutely. Many patients undergoing a facelift/ necklift are interested in adjuctive procedures. The most common additional procedures are eyelifts (upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty), chin implants, fat grafting, and laser treatment to improve fine lines around the eyes and mouth.

Actual patient of Dr. Devgan. Before and 4 months after facelift and chin augmentation

Actual patient of Dr. Devgan. Before and 4 months after facelift and chin augmentation

Actual patient of Dr. Devgan. Before and 4 months after facelift and chin augmentation

Actual patient of Dr. Devgan. Before and 4 months after facelift and chin augmentation

Actual patient of Dr. Devgan. Before & 3 months after upper and lower eyelift

Actual patient of Dr. Devgan. Before & 3 months after upper and lower eyelift

Are there less invasive options?

A facelift/ necklift is the most definitive way of improving the contours of the cheeks, jawline, and neck. There are no other techniques that are as powerful in terms of achieving ideal results. However, for young patients, patients who desire a quick procedure, and patients who only have a few days to recover, submental liposuction (or chin/ neck microliposculpture) can offer a distinct improvement in the neckline and profile. Speak to Dr. Devgan about whether you are a candidate for this less invasive procedure.

Actual patient of Dr. Devgan. Before and 2 months after submental liposuction/ microliposculpture

Actual patient of Dr. Devgan. Before and 2 months after submental liposuction/ microliposculpture

Actual patient of Dr. Devgan. Before and 2 months after submental liposuction/ miroliposculpture

Actual patient of Dr. Devgan. Before and 2 months after submental liposuction/ miroliposculpture

Actual patient of Dr. Devgan. Before and 1.5 months after submental liposuction/ miroliposculpture

Actual patient of Dr. Devgan. Before and 1.5 months after submental liposuction/ miroliposculpture

WHAT is the next step?

If you have been thinking about facelift, necklift, or submental liposuction/ microliposculpture, please feel free to email my office at info@LaraDevganMD.com for more information. Or, call my office at (212) 452-2400, and my staff will assist you in setting up a consultation. My NYC practice accomodates out of town and international patients who fly in for surgery, as well as those who are local to Manhattan.

necklift NYC eyelift NYC blepharoplasty NYC



"Very happy with my results. As they say, you only have one face. Frankly, it wasn't cheap, but it was worth every cent." Female facelift patient, via RateMDs.com, 1/16/2015

"I GIVE HER A 100-- FROM 1 TO 10"

"I would like to express my feelings and experience with my surgery. The staff was wonderful. Dr. Lara was like an angel. She made me feel safe. Before my surgery she talked to me, and I was very calm after the surgery. She also made me feel good. She is a very good doctor. I'm very happy she was part of my surgery staff. In the clinic she is the same way-- very kind and understanding. She makes me feel good, happy. I recommend her very much. I give her a 100-- from 1 to 10. Thank you." ML, 60 year old woman, facelift, neck liposuction, upper blepharoplasties


"The gratitude I feel to have been a patient of Dr. Devgan is insurmountable. Her skill as a surgeon is unsurpassed. My recovery was swift and uneventful. Dr. Devgan's post-op care was amazing and will always stay with me. With much gratitude." 54 year old woman, facelift and fat transfer


"Good morning, Dr. Devgan. It is now more than six months since you completed the surgery on my neck, jawline, and eyes. I thought this was an appropriate time to reflect on my experience and your outstanding work. As a sixty-three year old man who had always remained fit and felt younger than my years, I was increasingly unhappy about the fact that my facial skin, particularly that around my jawline and neck had started to sag markedly, betraying my chronological age. Consistent with most men of my generation, I was reluctant to countenance any sort of surgical intervention but was convinced by family members that I should reconsider. I set up my first meeting with you at the Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital, Plastic Surgery clinic, not without some trepidation. My attitude changed from that first meeting. You listened, you made suggestions, you explained clearly what I could expect and I left that meeting with every confidence that I was in excellent hands. Our pre-operative meeting at Lennox Hill hospital on the day of the procedure only served to increase my confidence and I entered the operating theater in high spirits, and with positive anticipation. Your post-operative care was first class. Everything you told me would happen did happen. Each stage of the recovery has occurred pretty much when and how you indicated it would. And the work... I could not be happier. I feel transformed and feel that I look at least ten years younger than I did. You are, in my experience, an outstanding surgeon and have a wonderfully calm and empathetic approach to your work. I have no hesitation in recommending you to anyone. My genuine thanks and best wishes for the success you deserve." Andrew Metcalfe, 63 year old man, facelift/ necklift and upper & lower eyelid blepharoplasty, 10/22/13