Buccal Fat Pad Excision

What is it?

As one of New York City’s most renowned plastic surgeons, this is one of Dr. Devgan’s signature procedures. When the fullness of the face and cheeks creates disharmony of facial balance, Dr. Devgan offers buccal fat pad excision to accentuate and refine the cheek bones.

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Recovery process

In terms of post-procedure, expect bruising and swelling that can last 1-2 weeks post surgery. Typically, patients take off 4-7 days from work to allow the majority of the swelling to resolve. A degree of swelling can last for up to 6 months, however this is generally very minimal and will not affect any social obligations.


How is it done?

By making a small incision on the inside of the mouth, Dr. Devgan carefully removes the fat pad and encloses the opening with dissolvable stitches. This procedure can be done under local anesthesia and lasts anywhere from 20 to 40 minutes.
