Dr. Devgan Presents Her Grid 21 Research at Annual Merz Meeting


Merz North America, a leading aesthetic pharmaceutical company, held their annual Aesthetics Meeting last week, where the company shared their latest research with healthcare professionals and patients alike, showcasing the products within their portfolio. Here, Dr. Devgan presented her data on the Grid 21 Technique, a new approach to forehead and eyebrow shaping using Xeomin.

Xeomin, similar to Botox and Dysport, is a drug commonly used for fine lines and wrinkles in the forehead, crow’s feet, and glabella. However, Xeomin can be used for other cosmetic concerns: creating facial symmetry, shaping the eyebrow, slimming the masseter, upturning the smile, and even elongating the neck. Dr. Devgan’s Grid 21 study specifically explores how the drug can help to shape the brow and forehead.

Dr. Devgan’s study consisted of using the brows and foreheads of her patients to sketch a grid. Because the patient’s unique anatomical features provide the framework, these grids create a map, revealing customized injection sights for every patient. Dr. Devgan can uses the intersections of the grid to create an ideal eyebrow peak between the lateral limbus (edge of the iris) and lateral cants (corner of the eye), complimenting the natural shape of the eye.