Dr. Devgan on Stigmas & Plastic Surgery in latest Coveteur Article

Dr. Devgan was recently featured in a Coveteur article regarding stigmas surrounding plastic surgery. At the forefront of plastic surgery shadows are patients from all walks of life. Celebrity or not, it seems everyone has an opinion of those trying to look the way they choose.

While we praise aging spectacularly, it is often easy to overlook that many opt to have non-surgical and surgical procedures throughout their life to see a more youthful appearance during a morning mirror glance. However, until recently, all but the extraordinarily brave denied any rumors of plastic surgery.

The most intriguing discussion about plastic surgery, although there has been an increase in conversations regarding the realities to looking youthful longer, is many still feel a sense of social pressure to stay looking young and, somehow, do it “naturally”. This keeps many silent about visiting a plastic surgeon and, in some cases, prevents others from planning a procedure that would increase their self-esteem. Included in the social pressures are media coverage of “unrecognizable” celebrity faces, the idea that somehow by wanting to look your best you are vain or fake, and sometimes the pressures come closer, such as a disapproving spouse or friends. Whatever the case, it is neither anyone else’s right to disregard someone based on appearance, plastic surgery or not, nor is it alright to judge a person’s intellectual abilities and feelings based on if they do choose to have “work done”.

Dr. Devgan had this to say regarding her clients and the general population, “Something I’ve really learned to appreciate in my daily job is that it’s very difficult to walk in another person’s shoes….You may think that rhinoplasties are for vain, frivolous Hollywood types, but if you’re someone who has always felt bad about the way your nose looks, and you can’t take pictures in a certain way, and you’re always doing your makeup in order to camouflage it—then maybe getting your nose done is just the thing that enables you to come out of your shell and move forward with your life. I honestly think it’s very misogynistic and damaging to put people in a box and say that caring about this thing negates your intellectual capacity to care about all these other things.”

In Dr. Devgan’s opinion, “Plastic surgery doesn’t need a public service announcement or a popularity campaign. It’s just a situation where people need to get off each other’s backs a little bit.”

Overall, it is time to move forward with positive thoughts toward plastic surgery and, more importantly, the people who choose it.

Read the full blog from Coveteur by clicking the link*

Read the full blog from Coveteur by clicking the link*

To see Dr. Devgan as a patient please call 212.452.2400 or email Office@LaraDevganMD.com.